Flight Attendant Gets Sick of Crying Babies, Starts Singing Half-Assed Lullabies to the Whole Plane
Braden Bjella
You can really hear the pain in his voice.
We’ve all been on a plane where a baby won’t shut the fuck up. While it’s easy to be sympathetic for a little bit, by hour two or three of a baby’s wailing, you can’t help but feel a little annoyed. What’s the baby doing on the plane, anyway? You really think he’s going to remember going to Disney when he was 8 months old?
This flight attendant was among the crew of frustrated people listening to a baby on a flight cry — only unlike everyone else, he decided to do something about it.
What was that thing, you ask? Singing over the intercom in hopes that they shut their tiny yaps for the rest of the flight.